Bright Angel Park Management Plan 2018

Koksilah River from suspension bridge
Suspension Bridge
log climbers
New playground


The 2018 Draft Bright Angel Park Management Plan and associated appendices are ready for review and comment. The draft plan has been developed and revised with support from the South Cowichan Parks Commission. Upon review and comment by the public, the draft plan will be updated for final review and recommended approval for the CVRD Board of Directors.
The principles, goals, and objectives highlighted in the management plan will be used to support the priority listing of actions to be implemented over the duration of the plan and the current lease agreement with BC Parks. The 2018 Bright Angel Park Draft Management Plan and Appendices can be downloaded as pdf documents below. Printed copies of the plan are available upon request.

Draft Bright Angel Park Management Plan 2018

APPENDIX A - CVRD final report of photos

APPENDIX B - 2013 bridge assessment

APPENDIX C - Final Baseline Ecological Assessment

APPENDIX D - 2004 visioning Meeting

APPENDIX E - Park Survey Information

If you have any questions or comments regarding the 2018 Draft Bright Angel Park Management Plan please contact Graham Gidden CVRD Parks and Trails Planner at email